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Version: 1.22

Welcome to Okteto Test BETA

Okteto Test is a new Beta feature designed to seamlessly integrate testing into your development workflow on the Okteto platform. Whether you're running unit tests or end-to-end (E2E) tests, Okteto Test ensures an efficient testing experience before even making a pull request.

Benefits of Okteto Test

1. Seamless Integration and Remote Execution

Developers can execute tests in the same remote production-like Kubernetes environment where their code runs - without having to install anything locally. Running your tests in the cluster network simplifies access to private services, reduces latency, ensures consistency and reduces configuration overhead.

2. Simplified Configuration

The new test section in the Okteto manifest supports multiple Test Containers, allowing you to define your test environment with minimal YAML configuration. This eliminates the need for complex setups and advanced Kubernetes knowledge.

3. Faster Feedback Loop

Okteto Test leverages Buildkit's built-in capabilities to run only the tests affected by code changes. You can quickly identify and fix issues, especially in monorepos, significantly reducing the feedback loop for a development cycle.

Getting Started with Okteto Test

View our Getting Started with Okteto Test Guide to learn how to configure Test Containers.

Get Involved

Okteto Test is a Beta feature in development. We value your feedback and encourage you to share your experiences and suggestions. Join our community, participate in discussions, and help us improve Okteto Test.